Hey guys, thanks for coming to check out another blog post that I hope you all will enjoy. Last time we talked about "The Power of Leveling Up" and well this time I want to talk about "Manifestation" and the realness behind it.
I was inspired to write this post from the Series "Manifest,"which is one show im totally addicted to. If you haven't seen it yet its basically about a plane that went missing and returned 5 years later along with the passengers, but they didn't comeback normal.They have callings and visions they now see which they believe are from God. They start life by working together and helping decide between good and evil and life and death.
The show is really deeper than that but I don't want to spoil the series for anyone who hasn't seen it. I am basically going to let you in on what I get from it and how it reminded me of somethings in my life.
You ever had that instinct deep In your gut to do something or something just didn't seem right, and you completely ignored it? Then a few hours, days or months later you look back like "damn it I knew it." That my friend is called an 'Intuition," something that happens to me more than often and I'm sure others. Or do you write down or pray about things and they come true and you almost forgot about it because it's been years? That is manifestation and I want to brief you on some events in my life where my Manifestation have come true.
So, a few years ago I was in bad place in my life and literally had no one to turn to, talk to, understand me or even ask how I was. I was so bottled up inside I literally got sick and depressed and fell into a big hole where I wanted to end my life. I tried to do it but something in me told me to stop and have more life to live therefore I turned to God. I prayed day in and day out about what I wanted, needed, I cried for hours, pleaded for my heart and prayers to be heard and to help get me out of this rut I was In. Pretty much I was dumping everything into the hands of the Universe and Higher Power since what I was doing wasn't working and all I can see is death ahead.
However, one day in the midst of prayer I heard a voice say write it down, study it, pray on it, if its meant it will be done. So I did what I heard and literally wrote pages of what I wanted and needed to be done with ASAP in big letters to end my manifestations.
Well we all know The Most High has a funny sense of humor and that's not how the Universe works unfortunately but I never lost faith in my list. Although, I did realise what I had to do was revise and restructure exactly what I was asking for. I wanted to be as specific as possible so when the Universe received it there wouldn't be no hold ups only if I wasn't doing the work.
I stand on speaking things into existence because I have witnessed many times before how it comes to fruition, only thing is it won't be on your timing.
A lot of things I wrote on my list has definitely come true like becoming an author, throwing events that empower woman, being a friend to those that need, creating amazing literature for other publications so my work can be seen, financially making a decent amount to invest in my business and daughter, the father of my child and I making amends, spending more time with family and the list goes on.
But I had a wake up call as I was reading my affirmations. I felt a feeling in my gut that I was missing something but wasn't sure what. Than I got a vision out of nowhere that is gong to help me get to the next level of where my goal and dream list along with faith and hard work is going to take me, BUT the biggest message I heard was "Don't stop what you started when I didn't see the Vision and had nothing to fall back on."
Let me provide some examples of what I stopped doing when The Most High started to deliver my blessings that I was doing:
Reading my bible daily. Although some people don't do it this was an very important step in my life. Its like I was setting and protecting myself from any wrongs I was going to face that day.
Listening to motivational speeches and channels to remind me anything is possible, keep pushing and with hard work and faith it will pay off.
Speaking life in others. Though the last couple years we been kinda forced to not interact as much because of Covid, racism, politics or whatever what has always been important to me is speaking life and planting my seeds into others, that is one of my gifts, and I have to continue that even more now.
Praying. Like I said before, I was facing death until I started praying. At that point in my life I I was praying almost 5 or more times a day and lately it hasn't been as consistent as it needs to be which I failed to continue.
As you can see worldly things can easily distract us and take us off our path because we begin to worship that phase of our lives forgetting how we even got there. We are happy and blessings are abundant but that isn't a reason to so being thankful and steering away. I had to remind myself what God blessed me with he can also take it away.
So I want to give a little advice that helped me feel a bit better in my walk. I apologized to The spirit and the Universe for forgetting how and who helped me out of all the bad in my life and begin being more thankful and faithful. Sounds crazy I know but just try it if you feel like you haven't been as thankful as you should. If you want your dreams and aspirations to come to fruition first step is being thankful. Take the time to do that.
So as always, thank you for stoping by and reading my post hopefully you enjoyed the message and I hope I inspired you to get back on track. I appreciate you and ask if you enjoyed to please leave a comment or share my blog I would really appreciate it.
Love and Light
Copywritten July 2021