Hey guys, I know its been awhile but Im back and ready for you all to read about why Protecting Your Peace, is important more than ever before. There's a lot going around the world as we all can see and understanding where you stand in life is very important for yourself and those around you.
I wanted to write about this blog because lately in my life I had to make a lot of changes to get back to my level of energy my next phase in life desires. I have noticed a lot of individuals around the world are on the same train as me so revisiting happiness and understanding why separation from some individuals and things are definitely needed to be top tier.
Recently, I went on a complete purge through my phone that was definitely needed for me. I realized I was giving so much of my attention and energy into the wrong people. I was so deep in entertaining men/friends in my life who continued to hold no purpose but "old friendships" or "old flings." I would sit around and listen to every problem they had, how they was feeling or how in life they felt like there was no purpose.
But most times I realized after they had left, there weren't many questions about my feelings, thoughts or ambitions and I was just drained dry from these particular individuals. I was literally a energy box for them, and that took a huge toll on me.
After letting these certain energies into my sacred space when they would leave I would go through the week in a fog, tired, agitated or even worse unmotivated. I didn't give too much time but the time I did allow to be occupied wasn't good energy for me.
I thought I was going through a depression stage, my anxiety was on an all time high, I just wasn't myself. I wasn't performing or vibrating the way I was used to moving.
I allowed myself for months to continue to sit around and listen to these men/friends, who are single, some married and most in situation-ships on top of my daily grind. I know people go through shit but most of these men/friends all they did was complain, tempt me for what they wanted and leave. I can't blame them however when the cycle was revealed at the end of the day all I can do is blame myself because I knew better.
I was giving off a weak woman's energy I didn't know I was giving. I was allowing some men/friends to disrespect me and than allowed them back in with no consequences. I tried to be that safe place for them outside of them selves my space now wasn't safe. I was putting up with shit others wouldn't tolerate that's why they thought It was okay to keep coming back dumping their trash on me than going somewhere else to make it seem like there shit don't stink.
I had to make a change, and 2022 I told and promised myself that this was going to be that last time I give too much of me and not get anything in return. A girl couldn't even get a real conversation or date yall, shit was getting out of hand. I didn't hold some of these men/friends to no standard.
January, I took a step back from everything and everyone. It was in this moment I had a wake up call. It was my spirit wakening up my heart and mind. I was sitting in my car one day and asked myself " How are you going to receive what your looking for, if you continue to be everyones junk yard?"
It was like, how am I looking for wealth in unhealthy relationships, happiness in the blameless, maturity in the immature, and vision in those who don't see their own? I wanted a team to build with one who doesn't understand a foundation, someone to understand the real ME but who wouldn't listen, a spiritual being who didn't even know how to pray for themselves or someone else and someone who I can sexually connect with mentally who didn't understand that sex doesn't involve penetration.
I know, you like you had this whole awakening while sitting in a car? I absolutely did. I was tired and y'all know how them quiet moments in the car can reveal a lot. I was tired and I was drained. I needed to find my answer in the mist of my own silence.
So in February, I decided to get back to living in Peace, truth and happiness.The trash needed to be dumped the bagged out.I erased and blocked people Ive been friends for decades with, some were new and some honestly for boredom reasons all had to go, Immediately.
After I did this, I can tell my body began rebuilding itself. It took me 8 years to find this peace.After being in exclusive relationships for so long and losing myself. I was not going to let all the healing, manifestations, finding me again and happiness deplete because I allowed trash to become my back yard.
Its been about a month now and I feel amazing. My spirit is getting back recharged, my eyes are now focused thus I am now ready allow and give energy to those spiritual beings who respect and acknowledge me as a Queen, see my Potential and Power I hold and nothing less.
So to sum it all up the reason why protecting your peace and energy is so important to me is because you will literally keep yourself stagnant and drained trying to please those who only want the table without bringing another table, plate or chair.
Many of us are dealing with feelings and emotions through this pandemic and change that has drastically wrapped around us,
but do not give into the low vibrating energies. Don't let no one make an excuse for not giving you what you deserve and most of all require.
I am now going to continue to be transparent to anyone that comes into my life. I am going to ask those hard questions of " what's the purpose of us crossing paths?' How can we help each other? How can we benefit from one another gifts and goals? Not just for them but for both parties. Its time to regain the power of building healthy and nurturing relationships that feed our roots not pollute them.
Its time to get the peace and happiness back and let go of that weak woman or weak mans energy. The trash has got to be taken out and Asap. Don't let the fear
of being uncomfortable or hurting someone stop you from recreating that positive safe space that we all deserve. Say goodbye to the homies, lover, friends who don't want to change, that don't want to motivate you to be the best version of you and most of all the ones who don't see that the table isn't glass IT'S wood.
Repair your roots and if you want to add value to your future happiness and health the time is NOW to start. The world is just filling up more and more with heartless, energy vampires and host that want to live off your truth, light and Presence.
I am here if you need to talk but you have to listen, and if you read this blog I appreciate you taking the first step to understanding me and my journey to reclaiming peace and happiness and protecting it like your life depends on it because it does.
With love and Light
Please don't forget to like and if interested comment it means a lot to me.