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How Poweful is Mental Stimulation?

Through my years I’ve had my share of good stimulations and bad rather sexually, physically, spiritually or mentally, but now more than ever I see how important it is to have a solid Mental stimulation relationship with yourself and those you allow in your space.

Let’s begin defining the basic of mental stimulation.Most studies define mental stimulationas anything that stimulates, activates or enriches the mind. Stimulation can be provided internally from thought or externally from the environment.

Now how many times have you met someone and was like “their vibe is cool” and wanted to know more about them? And than when you got that opportunity you were left wondering how you to even connected in the first place?

It’s not an every day thing but it is. So many people put up a front to impress the next person or fit in you can tell when one is truly walking in their truth or not.

Sadly, sooner or later that person will have to show their true colors rather they like it or not.

Many times I’ve put myself in situations for long periods of time allowing mentally draining people in my life “thinking” we had a vibe, when really is wasn’t, it was a temporary situation I allowed to seem healthy.

I’ve come to an conclusion in my life, that I will never know anyone’s true intentions the first time I meet them, in turn I feel it allows me to mentally be stronger by preparing myself not to get let down.

I understand let’s down are apart of life, and you can be in relationships for years and not know an individual is toxic, but understanding what stimulates your mind, body and soul can cut out a lot of the bullshit and waisted time.

Understanding your worth and growth enables you to surround yourself with like minded individuals that enhances you in every way.

It’s like the saying “ Surround yourself around success, if you want success,” and that goes for family and friends but in order for you to be successful you have to begin with self.

The importance of understanding your needs and wants will allow you to grow into another level of maturity where beginning to recognize ones true intentions come from their aura and actions.You no longer rely on others words to give you temporary satisfaction.

With social Media playing a large role in todays society, our face to face interaction is almost obsolete contrary to half of society living a life of lies.

Over the years so much has changed from marriages, relationships, friendships all because we fail to know what type of stimulation our own self needs.

It’s not an overnight solution, and defiantly takes a lot of work and meditation with allowing yourself you really want to understand you and what you want to manifest for you life and those after you.

I encourage you to really take the time to yourself and really find what you want in life so you can mentally be inspired and so your life can have full fulfillment, your body craves what is needs, and your soul drives you there.

I am far from where I was and closer to where I want to be mentally and physically in this life’s realm. Taking moments to yourself to enjoy life and to do and surround yourself with what you enjoy can take you along way.

We all like to be comfortable, it gives a sense of control but don’t let it be too comfortable where you can’t recognize toxic environments and people.

Lets began breaking the lack of Mental Stimulation barrier and began embracing it.

Thanks again for stopping by and taking interest in my thought. I am always open to hear comments, feedback or open discussions from my readers.

With light and Love

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